Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"this made him certain"

and this one telling something certainly telling a something to this one that other over moves in different patterns more like the gynastics stack cartwheels ontop of one another for the dust bunnies in the litter can - she can tape stories for hours up and down the hallway a regular daily stream on high-speed she can movement soft witches in the jelly garden so the slugs have enough room to pivot - like the dolly toy left on the third shelf - something telling something certainly telling that memories don't fit well in the pocket and slip when you bend over - like certainly telling something certain she is certain that did not go well

thank you pennsound and miss stein

"this made him certain"

and this one telling something certainly telling a something to this one that other over moves in different patterns more like the gynastics stack cartwheels ontop of one another for the dust bunnies in the litter can - she can tape stories for hours up and down the hallway a regular daily stream on high-speed she can movement soft witches in the jelly garden so the slugs have enough room to pivot - like the dolly toy left on the third shelf - something telling something certainly telling that memories don't fit well in the pocket and slip when you bend over - like certainly telling something certain she is certain that did not go well

thank you pennsound and miss stein

Thursday, July 19, 2007

like a semicircle cross-stitched out of sweat

the beads don’t line up exact a left turn pivot
swing over to the right then balance on your hands
the body folds and presses fumble into exhalation

maybe the juices from the left over mascara on the right sleeve and the scalp moisture
will serve as elixir for a tomorrow dawn the excess skin from the right toe blister ooze

to retract an ounce take three hungry ghosts
slip them inside a blog comment down a chocolate soy drink
pluck once more at the keyboard she mem can’t remember anymore

no more painted faces in the dream people for fantasy - the fridge holds rotten fruit

3 strawberries 7 cherries and 1 peach drying out
succulents need the lips pressed firmly lapping in the squeezed

mirrors in the dressing room sing off-key karaoke with laryngitis

she mem can’t remember anymore
the lines from yesterday are taped in left over hair from the bathroom floor

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Michelle Ellsworth's Hamburger

DAM Untitled #4 (Birthday Suit) –
Michelle Ellsworth’s Hamburger 5/25/07

in the
simplicity of it
a hamburger
some tomatoes and no jazz

those stolid figures turn more stiff like a sharp
wind only blows through the gaps
and the cellulite air-brushed

she can look though windows
count calories
one meal in hapless

ordering the play color

black balls in
the square box

2ft deep little urchins and spit connect
to open wounds run skinning all along

Friday, March 23, 2007

gap time

taping together the pieces start to slip through
fingers don’t always hold on tight enough
like letters just stitched to retell the interior
it isn’t adequate this lang lung gauge or some
other smell that lingers in the sheets too many
extra pieces litter a dross filled alley to the other
part where she is stinging together the lights
make things brighter or more refulgent how do
you adhere that yesterday with the image in a
measure of phonics tripping Heidegger pulled
a straight line while Benjamin took entropy sliding
out of any resistance the reels fold into sentences
yanking chords and chopped verse for the dolls
to piece together like a Barbie closet with mix-n
match all the rules for discussion out of one, two
time picks the word picks the word gracious to
absorb slats that line up one by one in a phrase

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

from the book of mem 14.5

thought she could write & scribbled a diary hieroglyphics stomping
the yard so fast she tried to forget
mem lingered upon each syllableblondesyllable
shot each star as high as the eyebrows
peak to each stare and kiss i she played that part
so beautiful