Tuesday, March 09, 2010

You speak a promising pursuit: Rose.

akp pieces the literary and traingular on a mission to find the searched position. The position to locate the self in a space longitudinally precise, yet so remote from anything tangible. The hunt for the proper longitutde and latitude came about the same time as the search for the dictionary. The need for the English to catalogue and define each word within their language so as to create a boundary. The vertical and horizontal parameters for which the text may shuffle. The integration of a noun and a verb and how they are to be purposed. To take from the lingo of the street and make it proper. "Hey proper lookin lady." The mother load of vocabulary splintered and defracted into nominal memes for digestion by a population eager to chew.

Poets like andrew k. peterson, jared hayes and joseph cooper violate language, devoring and smothering all to vomit it forth in "new" (a different tangent, on if new could be the bon mot as nothing is exactly new, rather a reformulation of something already created)....

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